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  • Writer's pictureDorota Zys

Gratitude for Media Support: Showcasing "Layers of Reflection"

Updated: Aug 20, 2023

Hello art enthusiasts,

I'm thrilled to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the various media that have played a significant role in promoting and covering my ongoing art exhibition, "Layers of Reflection," at the Fine Arts Gallery in Gibraltar. Their support has been instrumental in bringing my artistic journey to a wider audience and creating a meaningful impact.

GBC News: A special thank you to GBC News for their feature on my exhibition. The detailed coverage beautifully captured the essence of "Layers of Reflection" and allowed viewers to delve into the themes and inspiration behind each artwork. [Link to GBC News]

GBC Newsroom: It was a memorable experience to be part of the live segment on GBC Newsroom, where I had the opportunity to share insights about abstract art and discuss the captivating journey that led to "Layers of Reflection." [Link to GBC Newsroom]

GBC Radio: A big shoutout to GBC Radio for inviting me to share my thoughts on abstract art and my ongoing exhibition. Your warm invitation and professional handling of the live broadcast made the conversation engaging and enlightening. [Link to GBC Radio]

Gibraltar Chronicle: I'm truly honored for the article featured in Gibraltar Chronicle that highlighted the significance of "Layers of Reflection" and provided readers with a glimpse into my artistic process and inspiration. [Link to Gibraltar Chronicle article] & [Link to Gibraltar Chronicle article]

Fine Arts Gallery: My gratitude extends to the Fine Arts Gallery for hosting the exhibition and creating an immersive space where visitors could connect with my art on a deeper level. The collaboration with the gallery has been a wonderful journey of creativity and expression.

Art in Gibraltar: A heartfelt thank you to Art in Gibraltar for their role in spreading the word about my exhibition. Your platform has contributed to making the event a success and reaching a diverse group of art enthusiasts.

As I continue to showcase "Layers of Reflection," I invite you to explore the links above for a closer look at the media coverage. Your support and engagement mean the world to me, and I'm excited to share the journey of "Layers of Reflection" with each and every one of you.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights on my artistic endeavors. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey.

Warm regards,

Dorota Zys

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